Sometimes, when we have several problems, all at once, the world feels so small and tight.
We're not able to do anything to help ourselves. There is no help coming from family or friends. Sometimes, they do want to help but they can't. The solutions are just beyond their reach.
At that time, we will be thinking of the Great Power.
But yet, many times, we feel like help from Allah is also not a likely option; because we know we did so many sinful acts, we disobey Him, we enjoy ourselves with worldly materials, we forget Him when we're happy, we act as if the world is ours. Thus, He doesn't really like us and our prayers will be hardly answered. Prayers will be useless. Our own efforts and help from the humans are more favourable, for no clear reasons.
Now, let me speak sincerely.
I should have been using the word 'I' or 'me', instead of 'we'. I was just trying to make you feel like it happens to all of us, when in fact, there are still many good pious people out there who don't feel the same way as I do.
Yes, many times, that's how my heart feels and what my mind thinks.
A good muslim doesn't feel or think like that. Because a true Muslim knows his Creator.
Humans will turn away from us when we do them wrong. A close friend can turn into a big enemy if we are struggling to get the very same thing. A lover will stop loving us if we lie numerous times to him or her. Even a mother will find it hard to forgive her own child if she has been greatly wronged.
There are also times when we don't even do them wrong, but still, they leave us. They dislike us. They stop showing their affection and attention. They turn down our offer of gift as well as friendship.
It's because we're not rich anymore, we're not beautiful anymore, we're not popular anymore. Those things which used to tie them to us has gone with time.
But, Allah.........will never turn away from us, no matter how much sins we have done. No matter how old and fragile we are now. Allah doesn't care about our money or our status. No matter who we are now, what we have done, Allah's mercy never end.
Repent sincerely and He will forgive. Ask sincerely and He will answer our prayers.
It shows His Greatness. It is something no human can do.
It wasn't Him who turn away from me when I need Him. It was me who turn away from Him when I need Him the most.
"And your Lord says: Call on Me, I will answer your prayer"
(Surah Ghaafir: 60)
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