I stumbled upon several interesting things while I was surfing tonight. But please keep in mind: they are interesting according to my personal perception.
Interesting Stumble-Upon #1
I was searching for another blog template. One that is similar with this one.
Simple and clean looking template.
I was only aware of my current blog template's designer after using it for some time. He is a Malaysian. Interesting.
As a newbie, I rarely found a Malay template designer.
Interesting Stumble-Upon #2
I tried to find more templates designed by the same designer, or maybe by the same company. Usually the same designer embeds similar theme in his works.
Second interesting stumble-upon: In July, 2009, he entered Smashing Magazine typographic layout contest and won the second place for this template. Winning templates are released for free.
Some of my friends gave me complimentary comments regarding this blog template I'm using. I never knew it won a contest before. No wonder.
Thanks! It's really nice.
If you like mine, click here to see more similar templates from Smashing Magazine
Interesting Stumble-Upon #3
The template designer listed down some sites which are using this Extreme Georgia template. I opened all five and figured out one blog under the supervision of a young girl.
What's so interesting about this one?
In one of her post dated June 25th, 2010, she wrote:
"The 16th of June was not only my last exam, but my last exam for a loooong time... I have officially finished my undergraduate degree in Psychology!"Interestingly, she was also taking Psychology course and she finished her degree recently.
It gives me point to ponder. Do Psychology undergraduates have similar preferences? I do observe similarities among engineering students as well as human science students. They are like two different families, each with their own characteristics which differentiate themselves from one another.
Which family do I belong to?
Both. I'm mixed and I bridged over these two.
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